Thanks to the support of 400,000 grassroots patriots, Turning Point USA reaches and impacts millions of students on campus and online. Please consider joining our cause with a tax deductible gift today!

Josh Thifault

Sr. Director of Major Gifts

Josh Thifault

Sr. Director of Major Gifts

Josh Thifault

Josh Thifault has followed Jesus since 1997, and has been a leader in the conservative movement since 2012, when he managed 280 door knockers and phone bankers during the Presidential race. He was a Sophomore in college at the time, and recruited this team in 48 hours. Josh met Charlie Kirk at a Tea Party rally in 2014 and joined Turning Point USA. Over the last decade, Josh has worked tirelessly to build Turning Point USA and Turning Point Action into the two most powerful conservative organizations in America. Today, he serves as Senior Director of Major Gifts for both TPUSA and TPA. Josh lives in the Nashville area with his beautiful wife, Brenna, and their children.