Turning Point USA, Inc. is organized and operated exclusively for educational and charitable purposes in accordance with Section 501(c)(3), to empower informed civic and cultural engagement grounded in American exceptionalism and a positive spirit of action. Turning Point USA guides citizens through development of knowledge, skills, values, and motivation, so they can meaningfully engage in their communities to restore traditional American values like patriotism, respect for life, liberty, family, and fiscal responsibility.

Since its founding, Turning Point USA has embarked on a mission to build the most organized, active, and powerful conservative grassroots activist network on high school and college campuses across the country. With a presence on over 3,500 campuses, Turning Point USA is the largest and fastest-growing youth organization in America.
The United States of America is the greatest country in the history of the world.
The US Constitution is the most exceptional political document ever written.
Capitalism is the most moral and proven economic system ever discovered.
National Field Program
The National Field Program is dedicated to supporting students on campuses daily through setting up tables, engaging in face-to-face conversations, distributing educational literature, registering new student activists, and hosting campus events. TPUSA currently employs over 350 full- and part-time staff dedicated to recruiting new activists, registering voters, and becoming major leaders of the movement in their community.
TPUSA has established a presence on over 3,500 campuses covering all 50 states, and has built a substantial network of the next generation of supporters, activists and leaders. Each semester, Charlie Kirk embarks on a nation-wide campus tour to challenge the status quo and encourage free thinking -- something too often neglected on college campuses today

Innovative Grassroots Messaging
With phrases like “Big Government Sucks”, “Gen Z is Gen Free”, and the incorporation of pop-culture into day-to-day activities, TPUSA reaches new demographics and continuously expands its base. We combine culture with politics to engage young people in meaningful, effective ways.
In order to spread Turning Point USA’s message to as many audiences as possible and dominate the digital world, TPUSA’s Shows and Media Departments makes it possible to continue to develop digital impact and recruit new activists through the online medium.
TPUSA Shows educates, enlightens, and entertains by creating unique and relevant daily and weekly content that spreads across the internet. This department currently maintains several ongoing projects such as POPlitics, Only In America, Real America with Graham Allen, Benny on the block, and Freedom Fights with many new projects in store. TPUSA Shows helps change the narrative in a space only the left has dominated for too long.
Turning Point USA’s Media Department identifies current and potential thought leaders and personalities that advance TPUSA’s mission of spreading the values of free markets and limited government in the fight to win the American culture war. This department equips social media influencers with every available resource necessary to spread these ideas on college campuses and throughout social and mainstream media.

Activist Conferences
Turning Point USA has earned the reputation of being the premier brand in events for young conservative activists across the country. Turning Point USA hosts 6 National Summits and 8 Regional Conferences each year, which consistently attract students from every state in the country. Each conference features the top thought leaders in the conservative movement as well as provides resourceful break-out training and networking sessions for attendees. Past speakers include: President Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, Jared Kushner, Ambassador Nikki Haley, Donald Trump Jr, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Ben Shapiro, Tucker Carlson, Secretary Betsey DeVos, and many more.
We believe it is equally important to expose young people to tremendously intellectual and inspiring speakers – as well as provide students with the tools they need to effectively battle the left. Additionally, a strong sense of community is established at TPUSA regional and national events, providing a place for young people to realize that they are not alone in their conservative values, but rather, they have an army of like-minded peers across the nation. You can learn more about our events, and apply to attend, here.