Advisory Council Member

Advisory Council Member
Gentry Beach
Advisory Council Member
An experienced businessman and money manager, over the course of a 20+ year career, I have successfully moved from Analyst to Managing Director, through hard work and a keen eye for favorable investments.
This experience has culminated in the founding of my current venture — Highground Holdings — a merchant bank and strategic advisor focused on private companies following an opportunistic approach in high-growth, disruptive technologies, special situations and undervalued cash generators, across various sectors including commodities, technology and consumer goods space.
Today I’m particularly excited by the work I’m doing as Co-Chairman of Eden Green Technology, a leading-edge venture in the emerging space of vertical farming. We’re enabling more energy-efficient farming that will allow for better, fresher produce on store shelves year-round, starting with Walmart.
A proud Texan (born and bred), and American, married man, and father of 5, I am a great lover of freedom and this land of ours. Outside of work I enjoy hunting, sports, finance and cigars.