Freedom Seeds
In just one minute, Monday through Friday, student activists will be given facts and truth-not lies and narratives. Freedom Seeds is giving our students ammo to win America's culture war on campus, online, and beyond.

How to Prevent Poverty

Election Day

Power to the Parents

Do Americans Support Political Violence?

Mao Zedong is the REAL Communist Killer!

Covid’s Killing Careers!

What is a free speech zone?

How do Americans feel about voter integrity?

Teachers Unions vs. Parents

Who was Susan B. Anthony?

School boards are sexualizing education

2021’s Inflation SUCKS

Christopher Columbus EXPANDED the World

How do Americans feel about the death penalty?

America’s Opioid Crisis

Breast Cancer Awareness

Understanding Roe v. Wade

What is the Cuban Embargo?

Do Americans Trust Public Health?

America’s High Credit Card Debt

Crime Rates Are Out Of Control

What do Americans *really* Think about China?

Lockdowns Harmed Generation Z

The Bill of Rights: The 2nd Amendment!

Welfare TRAPS People in Poverty!

The Second Amendment Is Making a Comeback!

The Bill of Rights: The 1st Amendment!

Why We Have the Bill of Rights!

Re-Education Camps=Concentration Camps

Grad School Debt SUCKS

Why do we still sing the Star Spangled Banner?

The 2nd Trimester is Full of Life!

9/11 Changed America Forever

Kids’ Masks are a Health Risk

International Day of Literacy

Conservatives Conserve 🌎

Antifa Promotes Fascism

National Wildlife Day

Two-Parent Families Matter!

Socialism Kills Economies!

America is Philanthropic!

Men and women ARE different!

The Filibuster Keeps The Conversation Going

Women’s Rights vs Men’s Rights

Cancel Student Loans=Cancel the Future

The Left and K-12 “Education”

Zero Emissions Doesn't = Zero Problems!

Wildfires and Bad Budgets!

Harriet Tubman: An Original Civil Rights Heroine