180 Series
180 is an explosive new series from TPUSA which brings the most influential voices in American politics together and challenges them to change the minds of Americans on a wide range of relevant, cultural topics. The series educates and empowers students with facts and statistics to combat misinformation on their campuses.

Graham Allen: Our Heroes Didn't Die For Socialism

Zoe Sozo: Why Abortion Is Anti-Science

Leyla Pirnie: Why Gun Control Makes Us Less Safe

David Harris Jr: Why God Belongs In Government

Amy Robbins: Why Women Should ALWAYS Be Carrying

Donald Trump Jr: Why Radical Leftism Is The New Fascism

Andrew Pollack: Guns Don't Create School Shootings, Leftist Policies Do

Kendall Jones: Why Hunting Helps Animals

Alex Clark: Why The Gender Wage Gap Doesn't Exist

Rob Smith: Why Gay Rights Are Gun Rights

Grover Norquist: Why You Are Paying Way Too Much In Taxes

180 Series Launching October 2nd!